Tag Archives: son

A Burning Desire to Prove Dad Wrong

A Burning Desire to Prove Dad Wrong . . .

I Can’t? Watch Me!

Today’s story is from Tom Hopkins, a national treasure, the Dale Carnegie of our times.

Tom Hopkins

Dad, Les and his successful young son, Tom Hopkins.

As a student, I was never at the top of my class. Still, my parents struggled to save money to send me to college. I dutifully attended – for 90 days – then decided it wasn’t for me. I quit and went home.

After their sacrifice, my parents weren’t pleased with my decision. My father told me,

“Son, I will always love you. But, you will never amount to anything without a college education.”


Dad, Please Help Me!

At the Hyde household, love was abundant; resources were few.

Today’s story is from Justin Hyde.

“What we ate for dinner had often roamed the forest that day. Neighbors were miles apart,” Justin explained. As a boy, Justin longed to hunt with his dad. He pleaded, but was told,

“Justin, you’re too young.”

Justin Hyde

Justin Hyde (right) and dad, Kevin Hyde (3rd from right) with family and friends

The day finally came. Justin was 6. Justin’s dad carried his gun. The sling was too big for Justin’s tiny shoulder. They started the trek up the mountain. Justin remembered, “It seemed like we walked forever.” Father and son moved quietly through the brush, “We didn’t want to frighten the prey.” Shadows grew long. Darkness began to fall.   READ MORE 

Spend Another Day with Dad

The Savvy Dad is about how fathers impact our lives. Today is an exception. It’s about how we impact theirs.

The young graduate

The young graduate

It was 1966. I was a senior at Cincinnati Country Day High School. The family was proud. No one – not Chubby, my dad, not my mom, not my sister, not one of my grandparents or a parent of theirs had ever attended one day of college. I would be first.

This meant so much to my dad. It was an unfilled dream realized through me.

Mistakes Define You

Brandon Steiner is one of my multi-millionaire, check bouncing good buddies. His New York-based, Steiner Sports is the largest distributor of specialty sports memorabilia in the world. Brandon works with the big time athletes.

You wouldn’t hesitate to accept a measly $1500 check from a big hitter like Brandon, would you? Me neither.   READ MORE