Tag Archives: life lesson

Dad’s Respect for All Living Creatures

Dad’s Respect for All Living Creatures…

Playin’ Possum

Today’s story is from Val Padar.

Has it happened to you?
A moving blur darts out in front of the car.

A sickening thud…your heart jumps to your throat. Your stomach tightens, sours and churns.

dad's respect for all living creatures

Val’s dad, Sandor, when he was growing up.

It happened to Sandor. He was my dad.

He screeched to a halt and jumped out of the car. He hoped he was wrong, but learned he was right. A possum lie stretched on the side of the road. My father hated to see a creature of nature die this way. He thought, “Was it dead or could it be stunned?”

Dad knew these cagey critters are known to feign death in times of great stress. It’s how they outfox their prey. He lifted the possum into a cardboard box he kept in the trunk. He looked at it closely and guessed it was just stunned.   READ MORE 

My Tough Biker Dad

Big, burly and bearded, Rocky was a biker; tough as a nail. He was my dad…and a pretty good “housewife,” too.

Today’s story is from Lora Jarocki.

big-hearted tough biker dad

Rocky, Lora’s big-hearted
tough biker dad.

We lived in Mountain Home, Idaho, a very small town. Mom, a Civil Engineer with the Air Force, traveled for work. With her away so much, Dad raised my sister and me.

When I was 9, Mom was assigned to South Korea. She would be gone a whole year.

Dad said, “You and I are the grownups now.” Together, we would take care of my little sis, the house and ourselves.

All was so good. Then lice came to town. “Epidemic,” they said.


The Miracle Was My Dad

“Grab your coat,” Dad said. It was late. Something was wrong at the Keeners’– our neighbors, our friends.

Today’s story is from Gordie Zeigler.

The Miracle was Dad

1974, “Piloting the boat with a cigar in my mouth. From the beginning, I wanted to be just like Dad.”

We climbed into our pick-up and raced to their farm. I was 10, excited, nervous and scared.

Dad was an intense guy—about people, work, whatever was part of his immediate sphere. He dove in when needed. He gave it all that he had.

Dad, Please Help Me!

At the Hyde household, love was abundant; resources were few.

Today’s story is from Justin Hyde.

“What we ate for dinner had often roamed the forest that day. Neighbors were miles apart,” Justin explained. As a boy, Justin longed to hunt with his dad. He pleaded, but was told,

“Justin, you’re too young.”

Justin Hyde

Justin Hyde (right) and dad, Kevin Hyde (3rd from right) with family and friends

The day finally came. Justin was 6. Justin’s dad carried his gun. The sling was too big for Justin’s tiny shoulder. They started the trek up the mountain. Justin remembered, “It seemed like we walked forever.” Father and son moved quietly through the brush, “We didn’t want to frighten the prey.” Shadows grew long. Darkness began to fall.   READ MORE 

My Dad Was an Example of Trust

A Playboy magazine. A dusty dirt road. A son spying.

This is a story of trust and fathering second to none. It’s a tribute to dads who inspire their sons. It started in the seat of a blue Chevy truck. It led to a best-selling book and a world thought leader on the concept of trust.

David and Clarence Horsager

David and Clarence Horsager

David Horsager, author of the best-selling new book, The Trust Edge, is a remarkable guy. At 83, his dad Clarence is quite the man, too. Clarence earned his pilot’s license at 74. He earned his #1 dad’s license long before that.

Lower Expectations

Yesterday, a friend said something I just couldn’t believe. He told me the best advice he’d ever given his daughter was that she should lower her expectations.  Lower expectations?



“I sent Lynne to the best private high school in town. I wanted only the best. It cost me a quarter-million dollars. After graduation, she went to one of those elite eastern colleges. I vividly remember the day we took her to enroll. The look. The atmosphere. The way people “were.” It wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t her. She seemed excited, but I was concerned. However, I bit my lip; didn’t say a word. What did I know? I was only her dad.

Dads’ Good Hearts Give Kids Great Starts

Some make it in life. Many don’t. Rita Davenport did.

Reese, Rita’s grandaughter

Reese, Rita’s grandaughter

Best selling author. Hall of Fame speaker. Arizona Woman of the Year. Arbonne International President for 20 years. Wife. Mom. “Nana” to granddaughters Reese & Claire Ray. A treasured friend.

Who started her right? Who shaped her life? Many dads talk. Her dad taught by example. He walked the talk.

From Rita’s own pen, a fond memory: