Author Archives: Greg Hague

About Greg Hague

I am an entrepreneur, attorney, author, motivational speaker, pilot, and world motorcycle traveler. First and foremost I am a dad. And, I am the founder of My new book, How Fathers Change Lives, is a "Chicken Soup" collection of stories about remarkable dads... 52 examples of doing it right. What they say. What they do. Best advice. The stories are inspiring, touching and fun. The life lessons are great. This book has been recommended by some very special people including my friend, NY Times #1 Best Selling author Harvey Mackay ("How to Swim with the Sharks.."). In its first month it received over 50 five-star Amazon reviews. Learn more about Greg. Follow Greg on Google+

Do the Right Thing

Mom Taught Me to Do the Right Thing…


LSU basketball coach Dale Brown accomplished what most do not. “The Coach” became the remarkable man he aspired to be.

LSU Coach Dale Brown

LSU Coach Dale Brown

Louisiana Legend. Basketball Hall of Fame Coach. SEC Coach of the Year. TV & Radio Analyst. Author. Speaker. Movie Consultant.

Who impacted his life? Who showed him the way?

Often, it’s moms who step in with that fatherly hand. These remarkable women bring in the bread, nurture as mothers and mentor as dads. Coach Brown had such a gift in his life.

It’s an inspiring story of Mom, written by Coach Brown for The Savvy Dad:


Learning to Do What You Say

Learning to Do What You Say…

Sometimes others become like a dad in our life. It happened to Brandon with Alzie the cook.

Brandon Steiner is a best selling author, gifted speaker and head of New York-based Steiner Sports. He is also a big-hearted guy and wonderful friend.

In Brandon’s words:

“Aside from my mother, who taught me most of what I know about business, my most influential mentor was Alzie Jackson, the head chef at Camp Sussex in New Jersey, where I spent many summers – first as a camper, and then as an employee, in Alzie’s kitchen.

Brandon stirring the soup

Brandon stirring the soup

Alzie might have taught me the most important lesson there is to learn in business: How to build trust. If you don’t have people’s trust, they’ll never want to work for you, or buy from you.

After a few years of working my way up the kitchen ladder, I was Alzie’s right-hand man one summer. I was responsible for making all the soups, and making sure dinner was served on time.

The Higher the Price the Shorter the Line

The Higher the Price the Shorter the Line…

Chris Neck is so young to have climbed so high.

Author of Five Books. Motivational Speaker. Management Expert. University Master Teacher. Business Week Professor of the Year.

Chris mesmerizing the crowd

Chris mesmerizing the crowd

Who showed him the way? Often it’s moms who inspire. They make the difference. They light up our days. It’s an inspiring story of struggle and fear.

In the words of my friend Chris:

“Dreams. Win the lottery. Captain of industry. Rock star. My dream? To have thousands of people crowd an auditorium to hear me speak and inspire them to a more rewarding life.

Since childhood, I’ve tried to do the difficult things others couldn’t, or wouldn’t. At 15, I ran my first marathon.

Lower Expectations

Yesterday, a friend said something I just couldn’t believe. He told me the best advice he’d ever given his daughter was that she should lower her expectations.  Lower expectations?



“I sent Lynne to the best private high school in town. I wanted only the best. It cost me a quarter-million dollars. After graduation, she went to one of those elite eastern colleges. I vividly remember the day we took her to enroll. The look. The atmosphere. The way people “were.” It wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t her. She seemed excited, but I was concerned. However, I bit my lip; didn’t say a word. What did I know? I was only her dad.

Dads’ Good Hearts Give Kids Great Starts

Some make it in life. Many don’t. Rita Davenport did.

Reese, Rita’s grandaughter

Reese, Rita’s grandaughter

Best selling author. Hall of Fame speaker. Arizona Woman of the Year. Arbonne International President for 20 years. Wife. Mom. “Nana” to granddaughters Reese & Claire Ray. A treasured friend.

Who started her right? Who shaped her life? Many dads talk. Her dad taught by example. He walked the talk.

From Rita’s own pen, a fond memory:


“Tomorrow: Perfect and Right”

It’s painful to recall that icy-cold night when Mimi so hopelessly cried. And, a father who acted so badly.

It was the winter of ’63. I was 15. Chubby asked if I’d like to sit in on one of his new agent real estate training sessions. He held them three nights a week in the conference room at the office.

What “boss’s son” wouldn’t? This would be totally fun. Soon I would learn, actually not.

Every new agent attended. A doctor’s note was your only excuse.

A young cowboy

A young cowboy…

Chubby started the evening by calling on a sweet, middle aged, soft spoken lady named Mimi. He asked her to stand. “Mimi,” he said, “Give us the definition of real estate.” She did. It was totally right, just not word-for-word perfect, what I came to call “Chubby-Right.”

Spend Another Day with Dad

The Savvy Dad is about how fathers impact our lives. Today is an exception. It’s about how we impact theirs.

The young graduate

The young graduate

It was 1966. I was a senior at Cincinnati Country Day High School. The family was proud. No one – not Chubby, my dad, not my mom, not my sister, not one of my grandparents or a parent of theirs had ever attended one day of college. I would be first.

This meant so much to my dad. It was an unfilled dream realized through me.