My boys are now remarkable men. Still, each day, I try to share a nugget of savvy advice. I call it “Sophisticated Fathering”. As long as they’ll listen I’ll continue to talk.

I could do the normal “rah rah” dad thing about the importance of goals and how to succeed. But they’ve heard all that. And this negative thing is better.
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In one of my favorite movies, The Edge, billionaire Charles Morse (Anthony Hopkins), and fashion photographer, Bob Green (Alec Baldwin), endure a harrowing quest for survival in a brutally harsh, particularly treacherous area of Alaskan wilderness.
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Little things are everything. Listing one house may not seem like a big deal to you guys. At that time, to me, listing Julian's house was the difference between resounding success and abject failure. That day it was the ONLY DEAL, the only thing that mattered.
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Three calls per day. No exceptions. Even on holidays. Dad was meticulous about keeping each conversation short (he told me he tried to limit calls to less than ten minutes) and linear (he said the calls should be focused on only one thing - how he could help them.).
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Chubby said, “Greg,
lets play the Two Sentence Game.” The rest of the trip
neither of us can say more than two sentences before allowing the other to speak.
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"It's silly to ignore what you know to be true. People should think more often about how quickly life will pass. It should be their #1 daily motivator.
It should create a LIVE BIG mindset."Read more
When my son Brian was seven, he asked Santa for a pair of basketball shoes. These weren't just any basketball shoes. These were the latest, coolest, most talked about shoes on the planet -- Air Jordans.
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To Chubby, effective leadership was a straightforward concept. It is about understanding people. Knowing that when you do this, they will do that.
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Dad warned that one of the hardest things many never learn is not to look back. Don't regret past mistakes.
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In 1960, I was just 12. Remember The Christmas Story? Little Ralphie. The Red Ryder BB Gun? I was obsessed. I had to have one. Grand visions of hunting with Chubby, my dad. One problem … it was July.
Christmas was six months away.Read more
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