My boys are now remarkable men. Still, each day, I try to share a nugget of savvy advice. I call it “Sophisticated Fathering”. As long as they’ll listen I’ll continue to talk.

October ’62. Cuba. Missiles. Blockade. Nuclear War? I am 14…old enough to know the mess we are in.
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Millions of words exist on how to make it in life. by Greg Hague Chubby taught it in few. Here are two: Chit Capital This is about that. In 1962, I wanted to start my first business. I was 14. I needed 75 bucks to buy a lawn mower. I was going to cut grass. […]
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Kids Don’t Die Young . . . The order of things. by Greg Hague We presume an order to life. Have kids when we’re young. Die when we’re old. Dads pass before sons. It’s not always that way. June 30, 2000 – Corey’s 19th birthday. A new high school grad, Santa Clara awaited that fall. […]
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Upscale Dogs and Secret Bars Today’s story is about Brian Shebairo and his childhood pal Chris Antista. I’m mentoring 600 of your kids. They’re about to graduate from ASU. I’m giving a talk on “Finding a Job”. It’s a big deal…to you and to them. They want off your payroll. And you agree! I thought about […]
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Dad’s Prized Possession The Hamilton — a gift from mom to dad. by Greg Hague Dad wore it for most of his life. Hamilton was the brand inscribed on the face. Piaget, Rolex…many cost more. But The Hamilton was priceless to Dad. It was Mom on his arm, Mom at his side. The Hamilton had […]
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7 Little Sentences. 7 Big Thoughts. I’ve been fortunate. Most of my life I’ve been surrounded by people with smarts. by Greg Hague It started with my dad, Chubby. He taught me a ton and made me want to know more. I learned that big concepts can often be expressed in just a few words. […]
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Are You Happy with Who You Are? “People focus on role models; it is more effective to find anti-models — people you don’t want to resemble when you grow up.” by Greg Hague This morning a Savvy Dad friend and story contributor (and really smart guy), Michael LeBoeuf, reminded me of that quote from a […]
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Savvy Dad is usually about what we learn from our dads. Today is different. It’s what we learn from our kids. I could write glowingly of each of my sons. In fact, I plan to. How they’ve handled their challenges in life. How far they’ve come, and how proud I am. I’m starting with Corey. […]
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Rush with good news – drag your feet with bad My dad, Chubby, had an uncanny knack for condensing life savvy into short, memorable phrases that I now lovingly call Chubby Rules. Chubby observed that the world (particularly the media) operates in reverse. So many people revel in listening to and spreading reports of mass […]
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The Savvy Dad is about how fathers impact our lives. Today is an exception. It’s about how we impact theirs. It was 1966. I was a senior at Cincinnati Country Day High School. The family was proud. No one – not Chubby, my dad, not my mom, not my sister, not one of my grandparents […]
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