Tag Archives: tough dad

Urban Meyer – Double Tough Dads

“I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof.”

—Rodney Dangerfield

Today’s story is about Urban Meyer.

Nature versus nurture? Which one really makes the difference? In the case of Ohio State football coach, Urban Meyer, it’s crystal clear.

Urban grew up in Ashtabula, Ohio. His dad, Bud, was a chemical engineer. Bud was tough, strict, and extremely nonpermissive with Urban and his two sisters. B’s or better on all report cards — C’s were average… and average was failing in Bud’s eyes.

Urban Meyer

Urban Meyer

In the third grade, Urban started acting up at school. Enter Betty Stofko, Urban’s third grade teacher. Bud, strict father that he was, told Betty, “Give him a good spanking.” Betty said she couldn’t without a parent’s written permission. Bud signed a note on the spot.

“That was the end of the nonsense,” Betty said. “All I had to do was show him the note in my drawer, and he behaved.” READ MORE 

Earl Woods – Tiger Tough Dad

“How tough to be on a son? As strong as you want him to be.”

—Greg Hague

This story is about Tiger Woods’ dad, Earl Woods.

It’s been called “one of the greatest father-son relationships in the history of sport.” He was devoted and loving, but brutally tough. A friend at all times, but antagonist, too.


Tiger with his dad, Earl

Earl Woods was no normal dad. He had a vision for Tiger, his boy. There would be no variance. His son would be great. Dad would make sure.

Training for hardships — in sports, in life — started when Tiger was a toddler. Through the years Earl tested him, prodded him, taunted him incessantly.

A retired Army Lt. Colonel, Earl commented, “I tried to break him down mentally, tried to intimidate him verbally, by saying, ‘Water on the right, OB (out of bounds) on the left,’ just before his downswing.” READ MORE 

My Tough Biker Dad

Big, burly and bearded, Rocky was a biker; tough as a nail. He was my dad…and a pretty good “housewife,” too.

Today’s story is from Lora Jarocki.

big-hearted tough biker dad

Rocky, Lora’s big-hearted
tough biker dad.

We lived in Mountain Home, Idaho, a very small town. Mom, a Civil Engineer with the Air Force, traveled for work. With her away so much, Dad raised my sister and me.

When I was 9, Mom was assigned to South Korea. She would be gone a whole year.

Dad said, “You and I are the grownups now.” Together, we would take care of my little sis, the house and ourselves.

All was so good. Then lice came to town. “Epidemic,” they said.