Mulligan — a “do over” in golf.
Today’s story is about British Open winner Phil Mickelson.
Phil Mickelson just won the British Open. Some say it’s his most important win to date. But as a father, “Lefty” might disagree.
Reflect back 14 years…
It was the morning of June 17, 1999. Mickelson teed off in his first U.S. Open. If that’s not pressure enough…
His wife, Amy, back home in Arizona, was ready to deliver their first child. They had a deal — Amy would page Phil if she went into labor. He would walk off the course and fly home. Phil understood there would be other tournaments, but there would be no do over, no mulligan on the birth of their child.

Phil Mickelson
On the last day of the tournament, on the 18th green, Payne Stewart drained a fifteen footer for par, beating Mickelson by one stroke. In a memorable moment, Stewart promptly walked over to Mickelson, grabbed him by the cheeks and said, “You’re going to love being a father.”
Phil’s wife did go into labor during the Open, but she didn’t alert the soon to be dad! Fortunately, it was a slow labor, and Phil made it back in time.
His daughter, Amanda, was born the next day. READ MORE