Tag Archives: Harvard psychologists

Teach Your Kids to Resist the Urge

Teach Your Kids to Resist the Urge . . .

Why is Facebook worth billions and you’re not?

Today’s post is based on a study by Harvard psychologists Diana I. Tamir and Jason P. Mitchell.

A study by two Harvard psychologists uncovered a proven way to make a bundle, raise smart kids and have great friends.

Greg Hague

My dog Tanner listens!

People like to express opinions. They like to talk about themselves. You already know that. Why? Because you want to, too. What you probably don’t know is the strength of the urge. It’s biological. We’re wired that way.

A part of your neurology (the mesolimbic dopamine system) gives you a feeling of pleasure when you eat good food, make lots of money, or see a good looking member of the opposite sex.

Talking about “you” stimulates your brain in the same way. It’s a dopamine-like reaction. You feel great, as with sex or chocolate.