Tag Archives: don’t judge

My Dad’s Name was Mom

“It’s not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.”

—The Golden Girls

Today’s story is from Brandon Steiner.

Brandon Steiner's book

Brandon Steiner’s book

“You Gotta’ Have Balls” is Brandon Steiner’s inspiring book about how he grew up as a dirt-poor Jewish boy with no dad and no money. He and his mom got by on welfare stamps.

Things worked out. Today, his Steiner Sports is a multi-million dollar international brand, the heaviest hitter in the sports memorabilia world. Brandon is also a big-hearted guy and a valued, “What can I do for you?” personal friend.

How did he do it? “My mom,” Brandon proudly tells Savvy Dad.

Brandon Steiner's mom

Brandon’s mom Evelyn Steiner

“I had no dad. We had no money. But Mom took no excuses. She was forced to wear the ‘dad hat,’ and she wore it well. Mom would say, “I’m your mom and your dad too, so whatever I say goes double!”

We asked Brandon to share the most valuable lessons he learned from this remarkable woman, who served as both mom and dad. He asked that we share three, and you don’t mess with kids from Brooklyn, so here they are: READ MORE