Tag Archives: Chubby’s advice

Make ‘Em Say No – Father to Son

by Greg Hague

Quite a story – my first real estate appointment in Arizona. Julian Rawls. $89,900. 82nd Street, just south of Chaparral. Success or failure?

Make 'Em Say No1981. We had just moved from Cincinnati a few weeks before. I didn’t have a clue how to get around this town and knew nothing about the local real estate market.

I needed to get something going . . . quickly. I know it seems hard to imagine now, but back then we barely had enough $$ to exist 2-3 months (and only if we lived really tight).

I knew that even if I made my first sale right away, it would likely take at least a month, probably longer, to close the deal and get paid the commission. If the sale fell through, I would be in serious trouble (you too my sons). There was no time to waste. I was motivated, to say the least.  READ MORE 

Swallow the Frog. Do it early.

Life lessons from Chubby (my dad) and other smart folks I’ve met on the road.

swallow the frog

We all have frogs; difficult or unpleasant things we must do.

We tend to put them off. The problem? They rarely go away. In fact, they often grow into green monsters — harder to do, tougher to face.

Facing a frog today?
Take Chubby’s advice.

Swallow the frog. Do it early.

swallow the frog

“If you know you have to swallow a frog,
swallow it first thing in the morning.
If there are two frogs, swallow the big one first.”
—Mark Twain

*Chubby Rule courtesy of my good friend and savvy dad, Bruce.
**Photo of boy with frog in mouth courtesy of strangecosmos.com