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A Burning Desire to Prove Dad Wrong

A Burning Desire to Prove Dad Wrong . . .

I Can’t? Watch Me!

Today’s story is from Tom Hopkins, a national treasure, the Dale Carnegie of our times.

Tom Hopkins

Dad, Les and his successful young son, Tom Hopkins.

As a student, I was never at the top of my class. Still, my parents struggled to save money to send me to college. I dutifully attended – for 90 days – then decided it wasn’t for me. I quit and went home.

After their sacrifice, my parents weren’t pleased with my decision. My father told me,

“Son, I will always love you. But, you will never amount to anything without a college education.”


Dad’s Fear of Flying

Dad’s Fear of Flying . . .

Accomplished, handsome, and more than just a tad cocky, meet my father, Bob.

Thanks to Barbara Bockner for sharing her fearless memory of Dad.

It was 1942. Bob was 35, a civil engineer for the Army Corps of Engineers.

Dad's fear of flying

(Left to right) Barbara’s older brother Bobby, Barbara, Mom (Reva), Dad (Bob), younger brother Barry.

World War II was ramping up. Dad was working on the Panama Canal. Mom, a teacher, was also stationed there. They married in Panama. I was born there.

After Panama, we traveled the world. Japan, as Dad helped to rebuild after the war. Iran, though we would leave as trouble erupted over the border in Iraq. Hawaii. Germany. We circled the globe.

Dad could do anything. Except one thing. Dad refused to fly…he’d take the slow boat.