Kids Don’t Die Young

Kids Don’t Die Young . . .

The order of things.

by Greg Hague

Greg Hague's son, Corey

Corey today.

We presume an order to life.

  • Have kids when we’re young.
  • Die when we’re old.
  • Dads pass before sons.

It’s not always that way. June 30, 2000 – Corey’s 19th birthday. A new high school grad, Santa Clara awaited that fall. This young man exemplified ethics, kindness, quality friends…everything right. We went with Corey to a party at his best friend’s home.  

Rose and I left early. We were excited…headed to Europe early the next day.

Do you have kids? The phone rings. It’s 3 a.m. You know the dread.

It was the call I feared since becoming a dad. “This is Scottsdale Memorial. Do you have a son named Corey Hague?” Please come right away. He was beaten with a bat. We think he’s been stabbed.”

Numbness of mind, unable to breathe, I ran every light, parked at the curb. We raced through the door, pleading to God, “Don’t take our boy.”

They said he had tried to break up a fight – an uninvited boy, a tussle over a girl. A 3” blade sliced 4” into his lung. Thrust so hard, 1″ of handle plunged inside. Blood spurted out 3-4 feet. Two girls in the room had passed out cold.

No nightmare compared. Trade my life in a second. Let it be me.

Finally, a surgeon appeared. I realized that was my son’s blood on his scrubs. They led us to ICU. Corey lie silent and weak, dried blood spattered his face.

Gently, I sat on the edge of his bed. Tears welled in his eyes. He strained to talk. I lowered my ear to his mouth.

“Dad, I’m sorry. You missed your trip.”

The order of things…not always that way.
Some are not so lucky as me.

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