Tag Archives: Corey Hague

Kids Don’t Die Young

Kids Don’t Die Young . . .

The order of things.

by Greg Hague

Greg Hague's son, Corey

Corey today.

We presume an order to life.

  • Have kids when we’re young.
  • Die when we’re old.
  • Dads pass before sons.

It’s not always that way. June 30, 2000 – Corey’s 19th birthday. A new high school grad, Santa Clara awaited that fall. This young man exemplified ethics, kindness, quality friends…everything right. We went with Corey to a party at his best friend’s home.   READ MORE 

Sophisticated Fathering

Sophisticated Fathering

Want to be a good dad? Be a role model.
Want to be a great dad? Make your kids the role model.

Corey Hague

I told my son Corey when I come to a fork in the road and don’t know which way is right, I ask myself “what would Corey do?”

It’s the next level.

Every day I hear stories of fathering. I’ve learned something I didn’t expect. Being a role model for your daughter or son is not as important as making them want to be a role model for you.

I’ve seen examples of not-so-good dads, with a child intent on setting him straight. How? The child becomes an example of everything right. I don’t recommend being a bad dad in the hope your kids will come to the rescue. But, consider this…   READ MORE 

How Young Men Succeed in Life

Savvy Dad is usually about what we learn from our dads. Today is different. It’s what we learn from our kids.

Corey, doing what he never imagined -- loving each day.

Corey, doing what he never imagined —
loving each day.

I could write glowingly of each of my sons. In fact, I plan to. How they’ve handled their challenges in life. How far they’ve come, and how proud I am.

I’m starting with Corey. He’s incredibly smart and a really great guy. I feel certain his brothers agree.

Most young people have a burning desire to make it, but don’t know how. Or, they think they do, but really don’t. The latter is probably more often the case.   READ MORE