Tag Archives: Chubby Rules

7 Little Sentences. 7 Big Thoughts.

7 Little Sentences. 7 Big Thoughts.

I’ve been fortunate. Most of my life I’ve been surrounded by people with smarts.

by Greg Hague

Greg Hague

My kids say this is my “smart guy” photo.

It started with my dad, Chubby. He taught me a ton and made me want to know more. I learned that big concepts can often be expressed in just a few words. Chubby was a master at that.

Over 30+ years, I’ve assembled quite a collection of these nuggets of life. I call them “Chubby Rules,” named after my dad. I thought I would pass on a few of my favorites. Some are my own. Most are what others have said or I’ve read. If you’ve heard them, a reminder can’t hurt. Most of us know what we ought to do. We just need a nudge.   READ MORE 

All of Us Crave Appreciation

My dad, Chubby, had a way of condensing big life lessons into short, memorable phrases. I lovingly call them Chubby Rules. I’d like to share one of his best:

When you think nice, you’ve gotta think NOW.

Greg Hague's Dad


Most of us want to make others feel good. Good about us. Good about them.

That’s an aspiration. The question is how. The answer is NOW.

Dad said when you think something nice about someone, don’t drag your feet, let them know now.   READ MORE 

Rush with good news – drag your feet with bad

Rush with good news – drag your feet with bad

My dad, Chubby, had an uncanny knack for condensing life savvy into short, memorable phrases that I now lovingly call Chubby Rules.

Brian Hague

Brian with gifts. Always good news!

Chubby observed that the world (particularly the media) operates in reverse. So many people revel in listening to and spreading reports of mass shootings, scandal, infidelity, gossip, reputational ruin and the bad breaks/hard times of others. It seems to consume their life.

We have a television in the dining room at our law firm. When the televised news is normal or good, everyone eats and chats, barely noticing. When the news becomes bad, the chatter quiets as all eyes become glued to the screen.