“Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.”
—Corrie Ten Boom
Today’s poem is contributed by Tom Krause.
You were three years old.
Balls were bouncing in the gym.
Children were running, shooting baskets.
Among all the chaos
I saw you grinning at me –
wanting me to watch you.
You waved at me – I waved at you.
You showed me how you could dribble.
The moment froze in my memory.
You were three years old.
I picked you up from daycare.
You were excited about learning to swing high that day.
Driving home you told me all about it.
You were so excited
Then you got quiet and said,
“I love you – Daddy”
The moment froze in my memory.
You were three years old.
I was making supper.
You were watching TV.
As I walked by your room
I heard you singing by yourself
with the songs on Sesame Street.
I stopped and listened.
The moment froze in my memory.
As you continue to grow —
frozen moments continue to fill my heart.
While they may seem insignificant to you —
they are golden to me.
Frozen moments are memories
that make the soul rich.
A rich soul
makes life complete.

Tom Krause
Tom Krause is the author of ‘Touching Hearts, Teaching Greatness — Stories From A Coach That Touch Your Heart & Inspire Your Soul’, published by Andrews McMeel Publishing. Tom also has been a contibutor to many books in the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ books series and is co-author for ‘Chicken Soup for the Coach’s Soul.’ To be inspired by Tom, check out his website Coach Krause and read Tom’s Savvy Dad Story Put Enough Paint on the Brush