Sophisticated Fathering

Sophisticated Fathering

Want to be a good dad? Be a role model.
Want to be a great dad? Make your kids the role model.

Corey Hague

I told my son Corey when I come to a fork in the road and don’t know which way is right, I ask myself “what would Corey do?”

It’s the next level.

Every day I hear stories of fathering. I’ve learned something I didn’t expect. Being a role model for your daughter or son is not as important as making them want to be a role model for you.

I’ve seen examples of not-so-good dads, with a child intent on setting him straight. How? The child becomes an example of everything right. I don’t recommend being a bad dad in the hope your kids will come to the rescue. But, consider this…  

The very best dads are great role models. And, they influence their kids to be the same.

How? Suppose you tell your son from the time he knows what lying is that you’re proud of him for being an example of truthfulness. You compliment him for being an honest young man.

The first time he slips up and tells a lie? Don’t scold. Don’t punish. Don’t even say “I’m disappointed.” Tell him you know it’s really not like “him.” Anyone can make a mistake.

Young or old, most people have a burning desire to be what we believe them to be. Don’t miss the nuance. It’s different than them wanting to be what we expect them to be.

Inspire your kids to be your role model.
Inspire them to be their best.

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