Tag Archives: advice from dad

Taming the Foolish Child Rebel

Notre Dame is a legendary place. A spot on the team means a chance at great fame.

Daniel Ruettiger

Rudy’s father Daniel Ruettiger

Rudy Ruettiger is a legend himself. He made the Notre Dame class. He then went on to become the heart of the Fighting Irish.

His dad, Daniel Ruettiger, was a war hero and legendary dad. 14 kids. Married a world-class mom. Worked three jobs. Yet he always found time to attend his kids’ games.

Yesterday Rudy told us how his dad shaped his life in “The True Meaning of Accomplishment.” Today Rudy shares a fathering moment very few know.


All of Us Crave Appreciation

My dad, Chubby, had a way of condensing big life lessons into short, memorable phrases. I lovingly call them Chubby Rules. I’d like to share one of his best:

When you think nice, you’ve gotta think NOW.

Greg Hague's Dad


Most of us want to make others feel good. Good about us. Good about them.

That’s an aspiration. The question is how. The answer is NOW.

Dad said when you think something nice about someone, don’t drag your feet, let them know now.   READ MORE