Author Archives: Greg Hague

About Greg Hague

I am an entrepreneur, attorney, author, motivational speaker, pilot, and world motorcycle traveler. First and foremost I am a dad. And, I am the founder of My new book, How Fathers Change Lives, is a "Chicken Soup" collection of stories about remarkable dads... 52 examples of doing it right. What they say. What they do. Best advice. The stories are inspiring, touching and fun. The life lessons are great. This book has been recommended by some very special people including my friend, NY Times #1 Best Selling author Harvey Mackay ("How to Swim with the Sharks.."). In its first month it received over 50 five-star Amazon reviews. Learn more about Greg. Follow Greg on Google+

Helping Your Child Step Down the Road

Dad ripped the sheets back from my body. It was too early. I was ticked.

“You’re going to the tryouts,” he commanded. There would be no debate.

Alex with his dad

Alex, a future baseball GM,
with his dad, Don, and younger brother.

I was twelve, and obsessed with baseball (still am). I dreamed of playing professionally. “The Flames” were holding tryouts that day. This was a boys’ traveling team, one of the best.

The traveling teams were the way to stay sharp in the little league off-season. They were all tough to make. The Flames were among the best.

I had cold feet. I’d tried before, but always got cut. What was the point? Cozy and warm seemed a much better choice.   READ MORE 

Confidence in Kids Endures for Life

With hunting season underway, it wasn’t the sight of three men with rifles that made John Hite uneasy. It was their demeanor.

Tommy Hite and sons

Tommy Hite and sons, 1988
L to R – Richard, Steven, John (at top) and David

He watched as the trio flagged down his buddy’s truck on the dusty dirt road twenty yards ahead. He couldn’t make out the words, but the message was clear.

Arms flailing. One spat in the road. Go home. Get out of here.

John quickly put his truck in park and slid out. “Son,” he said to his six-year-old boy, “stay here.” He approached the trio. “What’s the problem?”   READ MORE 

Learning a Lesson by Contrast

Like the thorn in a rose, lessons born of pain often stick with us most.

Michael Leboeuf

Best-selling author,
Michael Leboeuf

Our Savvy Dad guest today, Dr. Michael LeBoeuf, is a best-selling author. Sometimes a father’s gift is by example of what not to do.

In his own words, Michael takes it from here:

“In many ways my father was a very good family man. He and my mother were married almost 63 years. He was faithful to my mother and brought home every penny he earned.   READ MORE 

Taming the Foolish Child Rebel

Notre Dame is a legendary place. A spot on the team means a chance at great fame.

Daniel Ruettiger

Rudy’s father Daniel Ruettiger

Rudy Ruettiger is a legend himself. He made the Notre Dame class. He then went on to become the heart of the Fighting Irish.

His dad, Daniel Ruettiger, was a war hero and legendary dad. 14 kids. Married a world-class mom. Worked three jobs. Yet he always found time to attend his kids’ games.

Yesterday Rudy told us how his dad shaped his life in “The True Meaning of Accomplishment.” Today Rudy shares a fathering moment very few know.


The True Meaning of Accomplishment

Some talk big…then fade away.
Others do what it takes…they find a way.

Rudy Ruettiger

Rudy, the movie

One of the defining qualities of life’s winners is this thing I call “grit.” It’s stopping the talk and starting the walk.

Grit is about getting things done. It’s the night & day work it takes to succeed. It’s the “all in” commitment that “nothing will stand in my way.”

Grit is guts, resilience and staying power. While others discuss dreams, those with grit do something about it.

Our guest today is a portrait of grit. As you will learn, so was his dad. He is a friend, author, motivational speaker and personal hero of mine.

The Savvy Dad welcomes Notre Dame football legend, Rudy Ruettiger, subject of the movie ‘Rudy.’


Dad Changed My Outlook on Life

Dad Changed My Outlook on Life

A daughter in need. A dad with regrets. A 15,000-mile road-trip. From a life in disarray, to living a new way.

That is where we left off yesterday…

Barbara Elaine Singer takes it from there:

“Our forefathers risked their lives to find a place to live, work and be free of persecution. How did that turn into:

Barbara Elaine Singer

On the road…

• the big house
• 2 new cars
• commuting/carpool/traffic
• consumerism
• living in debt
• working morning to night
• enough is never enough
• do/be/have more
• stay thin/young/current
• upgrade/upgrade/upgrade
• 24-hour junk news & TV
• must have the latest/greatest
• stomach acid induced stress

How I’ve Been Living Without Reservations

‘Living Without Reservations’ is her book. It’s also how she now lives her life. It wasn’t always that way.

Barbara Elaine Singer

They made it – a place called Alaska!

Ten years ago, Barbara Elaine Singer was a corporate exec, loving mom and dutiful wife. With a beautiful home, impressive new car, designer clothes and jewelry-filled drawer, Barbara had the life of her dreams.

Then unexpectedly one night (it’s a “wow” in her book), something occurred and everything changed. A job that no longer fit. Days without meaning. Dreams unfulfilled. What all seemed so right was now empty and wrong.